Karabiner elements alternative mac
Karabiner elements alternative mac


So, if you run into any issues, it’s not an issue to get rid of for your suggestions.


I have seen Karabiner used - apparently quite successfully - in the MacSparky videos on KM as a way to free up additional combinations. And others mention it here as a bit of a standard tool. I do keep an ultra-clean machine, so am nervous about the kind of conditions you ran into Tom - especially apparently random, or 'timed misbehaviour'Īll I need to do, really, is have a good 20/two dozen or so keys/key combinations which are unused in any other application for use as KM Triggers. In particular, I do often type diacritics, top-bit set characters such as £ and ♭. I thought that I could copy permanently these into KM clipboards so that I can paste them with a single Trigger whenever I need to - thereby not having to enter the extra keystrokes to invoke the OS' Emoji and Symbols palette/popup. make more keys with modifiers available across potentially many applications and the Finder.I think I'm right in assuming that if in KM I make those keystrokes which might clash with existing assignments available only in certain applications by setting such a preference in KM Macro Group by Macro Group, I won't run into any conflicts.īut since there must be easily 20-25 such diacritics and other pasted strings/ KM Actions which I want to be available throughout all applications and the Finder, the possibility of mapping to such a 'hyper key' as Caps Lock (as Karabiner seems to be able to do, am I right?) is an attractive one. I am not an expert, can't even use terminal and I downloaded Karabiner with no problems. I only use it for changing the caps key to a "Hyper key". One use and that fully justifies the app for me.ĭid you try to make typed triggers for those symbols? I am sure you can insert them into a text expansion using the 'paste text' or even 'type text' action and trigger with a string. I had a few logic symbols done that way at one time. Greek phi and psi, they worked fine: I am not sure if I had some 'style' issues though. I used 'xpi' for the trigger to give one example. I don't know whether every symbol on the OS palette can be properly inserted: I assume they can? You can also set 'paste text' to only fire after a space and that is useful, I assume I could have used "xp" in that case for phi.

karabiner elements alternative mac

Whether that would be quicker than a modifier key + single letter is interesting. Overall a good list for those that aren't comfortable in a terminal.I include a screen shot of one I still have on Keyboard Maestro, it gives me the prime symbol without having to fuss around.

  • System Color Picker has more features, but I generally only need a hexcode and so I use/like Pixel Picker.
  • Don't have a need for a replacement menubar clock but I like what I've read about dato.
  • I've been using Vanilla but I can get behind HiddenBar.
  • karabiner elements alternative mac

  • Again Doom Emacs (or any Emacs flavor) can do amazing things with orgmode and org-roam package.
  • I love Discord, as much as I'd like to go back to IRC and stay in the terminal, being able to go back to the START of all messages on server without having to be a member on day one is awesome.
  • KeePass is open source and you keep your access instead of "the cloud".

    Amethyst > Rectangle (Though Raycast also has windows managment capabilities).for a text editor I like neovim and Doom Emacs over VSCode.

    Karabiner elements alternative mac